Many people enjoy watching basketball and supporting their favorite team. A team needs to be good if they want the support of their fans. You’re a contributor as a teammate, so be sure you practice; go hard! Follow these tips to learn how to play basketball effectively and become an important member of your team.

You must learn how to dribble, how a crossover is done and other important ball handling skills. This move entails transferring the basketball from your left hand to your right hand and back again. You need to perform crossovers very quickly to get good results. When done properly, crossover dribbling is a great way to quickly switch direction or move around the court in an efficient manner.

TIP! Practice shooting free throws. This kind of shot seems easy, but it really is not.

In order to be a great shooter, good balance is key. Your knees should be bent with your feet slightly wider than your shoulders. They are going with the flow when this occurs. Consider proper balance when you shoot, and eventually you’ll consistently make baskets.

Free throws are as much mental as they are physical. You can teach your body to make a free throw properly, but unless you are properly prepared mentally, you may not succeed. Relax and concentrate on your basket to increase your free throws.

Perform skills, practice your ball handling and shoot free throws when you are practicing alone. Though basketball is surely a team sport, there may be times when you have nobody to play against. This is just fine. You can still do a lot on your own. You can practice many different techniques, such as your free throw routine. There are always things that can be done.

Core Muscles

Basketball players need to build strong core muscles. This will involve their lower back, hips, and abs. Stronger core muscles will help them be more resistant and allow them to develop many different athletic abilities. The stronger your core, the higher you will jump.

Never have your back to the ball so that you’re ready for anything in a basketball game. You will enjoy greater court awareness and avoid feeling surprised by rapid changes in game play. You will want to keep extra attention on areas that could improve your position as well.

TIP! Always work on your layups. This will make up about eighty percent of shots during any basketball game.

Quickness is a blessing in basketball. You’ll have an advantage if you’re faster than an opponent. Playing fast requires steady drilling. However, don’t try to be faster than you’re physically able to be. Doing so can cause the game to spin out of control as turnovers and faulty passes are made.

As you can tell from above, there are many ways to increase your skills. Better playing skills lead to a more skilled team which will bring even more fans. Everyone is crucial, including the fans watching you. By being a player you should be giving your team lots of help. Keep all of these tips in your game to help you develop the skill to make you a valued team member.