No other game compares to football. It is exciting, fast-paced and action-packed. If you want to get better so that you are on the field more often, you need to know what you are doing. Be sure to read this article carefully for some excellent information.
Listen to your teammates. When you disagree, you should still listen and support them. Their input can give you ideas for putting your team on top.
Practice kicking, even if you are not the kicker. While this isn’t the skill everyone thinks about when they think football, it is quite important. Many people play football but very few work on the kicking part of the game. The ball won’t likely get high enough without you practicing.
You can improve our agility thanks to drills. Football requires great agility. They need to make difficult catches and avoid opponent’s tackles. Anything you do off the field to increase your agility helps you in the game. Anything from running tires to jump-roping helps.
Workout Routine
Once you’ve found a workout routine, stick with it. You don’t want to be changing your workout routine once you start it. The best way to benefit from working out is to find a great routine and do it several times a week. Don’t keep giving up a workout only to try again with something different next week.
It is not secret that the most successful football stars have very high levels of agility. Some good exercises which increase agility are jumping rope, running across tires and jumping above cones. Football is a game of fast moves and seizing the moment. All of those exercises incorporate quick thinking, coordination and speed. The more you work it, the more agile mentally and physically you will be.

You must be able to read the opposing team’s formation if you’re playing defense. You can figure out a lot about a certain play based on where the receiver is lining up. If you want to learn all the varying formations, watch both games at the professional and collegiate levels. Put together a playbook from the plays that you see.
Shuttle runs will improve your ability to come to a quick stop as well as boost your endurance and stamina. Start at the goal line and run as fast as you can to the 10 yard line. Tap it with your hand. Then run back to the start and tap the goal line. Try doing your maximum number of these daily and record your results to see how you’ve improved over time.
Keep teamwork in mind. Being a star player sometimes puts you ahead of the team, but you must realize that team always comes first. Wins come from the team, not just the individual. If you want to win on your own, go play tennis. Otherwise, work with your team.
Before each practice or training session, you have to warm your body up right. Not stretching properly could lead to a devastating injury. A good way to keep physically fit for football is develop your muscles and keep them loose by stretching before going out to play.
Try paying attention to the amount of time that’s left on the game clock and using that to help your team. When you are close to the end, you’ll either have to fight back hard to win or slow the game so the other team can’t score.
With all that you’ve learned here, get out on that field and start practicing! The more effort put into training, the better off you’ll be. Do not rush through it, apply these tips and before long, you will reach your goal.