Basketball is a great game for men, women and children. Almost anyone can get in the game if they want to. You can play competitively or play a pick-up game at your neighborhood basketball court. What new skills do you mean? Continue reading the paragraphs below to find out exactly what to do.
Perfect your free throw. There are usually a lot of distractions when you are shooting free throws so you need to concentrate. Use this technique to better your game. Place the ball right in line with your face. Concentrate on the basket and visualize the basketball going in. Once you’ve visualized this, take your shot as you just saw it in your head.
You must learn how to dribble, how a crossover is done and other important ball handling skills. Crossovers involve moving the ball from hand to hand. The action must be very swift if it is to be successful. After doing so correctly, a crossover gives you greater control over the court’s flow.
Learn how to throw a proper bounce pass. Bounce passes need to be at waist level when received. A useful tip is to have the ball bounce roughly 3/4 of the distance to the recipient. There are many factors which come into play, though.
If you’re posting up, good footwork is the key to getting open and getting a good shot. Getting a great position under the goal is the most important. After establishing good position, you need to make sure you hold it. Solid footwork can make both of these things happen.
When injuries occur on the court, it is unwise to keep on playing. Basketball is physically demanding and you can easily get hurt. Trying to play while injured will just make your situation worse. If you have a very serious injury, talk to a doctor.
When you’re trying to work out, you should build up your core strength while getting your footwork perfected. When your core is strengthened, you will have more balance and be able to move more swiftly. You must work out your hip, back and abdomen muscles. Practicing with a jump rope is a great way to increase your foot speed.
Have someone record the games you play so that you can watch it to check out your form. Are you able to look at your skills in a different light? Look at how you did and judge yourself. A realistic view of yourself can be quite helpful.
Look away when you practice passing. This may confuse your opponents, greatly. This will give the person that you passed the ball to a chance to make their move before your opponent can correct from their mix up. It can be a really powerful move in the game.
A consistent routine will help you to achieve great free throws. If you aren’t able to be consistent then you’ll be off when you shoot. Repetition is an excellent way to improve your ability to make each free throw. Stick with a routine until you can perfect it. If you alter your routine then chances are the shot will not be good.

Take charge when the opportunity presents itself. By taking a charge, your team will get the ball. This can have a major impact on the other team psychologically, and it can be a powerful play as well.
While you’re dribbling the basketball it is wise to bend your knees. You will have a hard time controlling the ball if you always stand straight and opponents will be able to steal the ball. Slightly bending your knees improves ball control significantly.
To improve 3 point shooting, practice from NBA distance, at least. School and the international standard lines are nearer than that. If you can hit from NBA range, you can get open looks at a deeper range than a defense is probably going to mind you (until you start hitting).
Switch your body’s weight from side to side while practicing your dribbling. During game time, you’ll find yourself dribbling from all sorts of positions. You’ll have people guarding you on all sides. This is why it’s important to switch the direction you will be dribbling. This can help you find your way out of trouble.
If you figure out which hand is non-dominant, make your opponent use it as much as possible. Move towards their right side so they must dribble with their weaker left hand. Have your head parallel with their chest so that your body is low and ready to grab the ball.
When shooting the ball you have to be sure not to get nervous. It’s important to focus. Specifically, keep your eyes trained on the rim’s back. If you wish to do a lay-up, move them to the backboard needed for banking the ball off.
Watch where the ball goes whenever someone releases it. Rebounds are terribly important to the game. You need to be able to get the ball if your opponent misses the shot.
Pivoting is essential to becoming a great player in basketball. It is important to practice how you move your feet, so you can pivot by instinct, without stopping to think about where to put your feet. Work on having a good pivoting stance and after that work on doing quick reactions after getting the ball.
What’s your weakness? Make an honest assessment. If you’re constantly missing foul shots, try practicing these more than three pointers. Perfecting what you are good at and ignoring your shortcomings will only take you so far. Turn your weaknesses around, and you’ll become a versatile player.
You’ll now be able to feel confident the next time that you step onto a basketball court. You may even have a few tricks up your sleeve. Keep in mind that this game is supposed to be fun, and it needs to stay that way. Whatever the case may be, it is fun to win the game.