Mark Twain once made a popular statement regarding golf that related it to a good walk that had been spoiled. Slicing a ball to the right or hooking it to the left are some of the many frustrating shots you will encounter while playing golf. If all golfers could afford a caddy with knowledge of club selection, the game might be more interesting. Choosing the right clubs for whatever kind of shot you are taking is key to becoming an excellent golfer. Here are some tips that will be very helpful to you.

When just starting out, it’s important to learn how to properly grip the club. A lot of beginners grip their club harder when they wish to send the ball further. Instead of doing this, try using a grip which is supple but firm. Hold the club like you would hurt a hamster, strong enough to hold it, light enough that you won’t crush it.

TIP! There is no magic formula, so you will need to find out for yourself what works well for you. Proper stance is essential, but it does vary by individual height, size, body frame and even gender.

Test your posture when preparing to swing by wiggling your toes. You may be leaning too far from the ball if your feet are able to move freely and without difficulty. You should lean into the ball so that your feet can move just a little bit, but not excessively.

Each of your golf clubs will have its own “sweet spot”, a spot where, if you strike the ball with a great swing, you will get nearly perfect accuracy. Practice with clubs to find their sweet spot, and remember to have those spots contact with your ball on your downswing.

Your feet must be lined up in the correct way. This will help you improve your swing. The direction that you want your ball to travel should be perpendicular to how your feet are lined up. The ball should go in the direction that your club is facing when you put your golf club straight up against the toes.

TIP! Walking, rather than renting a cart, is a really good idea when you golf. This will be a big boost to your overall health due to the increased exercise you will receive.

Prepare a simple snack like nuts and bring it with you when you go golfing. Golf exhausts you both mentally and physically. The nutrients of your snack will sharpen your mind and ward off fatigue, keeping you focused for all 18 holes.

For a drive swing, align the ball with your front foot. If you are going to swing, the ball should be placed between your feet. When on a slope, you may have to adjust where the ball sits.

You cannot swing if you are not holding your club correctly. Your thumbs will be pointing downwards, and the handle will fit right in your palms. Your hands should be touching. Make sure you are choking up on your club if you desire to hit your ball longer distances.

Hybrid Club

For relatively inexperienced golfers, a hybrid club may be the best bet. This kind of club can be controlled more easily than a wood and has a head larger than the one on an iron. Many golfers over the last decade agree that one of the biggest positives that they have made to their game was the addition of a hybrid club to their bag.