It’s not surprising that basketball is so popular. It’s a very exciting game. However, if you wish to do your best at basketball, you have to learn a few different things first. Read the tips below to become more knowledgeable about basketball.
Make sure that you’re dribbling the ball correctly. When you dribble a basketball you have to use the fingertips instead of the hand’s palm. Dribbling this way improves your ball control dramatically. When dribbling the basketball you should bounce it to your side instead of right in front. Look up, not down.
Practice hitting your free throws. This may seem like an easy task, but in reality, things prove otherwise. Practice often using the following technique. Begin by holding the ball directly in front of your face. Focus on the basket and picture the ball slipping into the net. Shoot the basketball exactly as you saw in your mind.
You must learn how to dribble, how a crossover is done and other important ball handling skills. Crossover dribble is switching hands while you’re dribbling. The move must be done quickly if it is going to work. By having the ability to move either way quickly, you will become a better all-around player.
To get better in your basketball game, focus on your strengths. Your skills might not make you an all-start every time out, but playing up your strengths makes you a great contributor. Understand where you excel, and work on those talents until they are perfected.

Get educated on the way to properly pass the ball on a bounce. Good bounce passes need to hit the other player waist length when they receive it. Remember you should bounce the ball approximately three-quarters of the distance between yourself and the receiving player. Of course, there are also other factors involved.
Do not wait for any special season to play some basketball. While it’s a team sport, you may not be able to find others that will play. Don’t fret! You’ll still be able to get a lot done when playing solo. Work on your free throws or your pivot moves. Many things can be practiced.
Ask your teammates what they like about how you play. Can you get better at something? It may be that you are quick on your feet or that you are always there to back them up. When you find out what they think, you may learn a lot.
If you slump when you shoot, look at what your shoulders are doing. Shoulders are the key to a consistently successful shot. Ensure that you line up your shoulders so that they are squared with the basketball net. Try to line your dominant shoulder up with the rim.
Make sure you know what is going on with your feet. If you fall on a baseline, you will be out of bounds. Not dribbling when you take more than a few steps will result in a walking call as well as a forfeit of the ball. Also, when you’re moving your feet when a screen is being set, you can take a charge or pick to try and get a foul.
Basketball is a sport that is enjoyed around the globe. From this article, you’ve learned that some special knowledge is required to play like the professionals do. Apply the tips you’ve just been given, and turn yourself into a star basketball player.