Basketball is something for everyone, whether you’re a guy or gal. Almost anyone can get in the game if they want to. You can really impress your friends with the techniques you’ll learn here. What new skills do you mean? Keep reading to learn what sorts of things you can do.
If you hold the ball a lot, you have to learn crossovers. Being able to dribble the ball with both hands and crossover between the two will make you a better player. The move must be done quickly if it is going to work. When you do it right, the crossover dribble helps you alter directions and go down the court faster.
You must have good balance to shoot well. While some NBA players are able to launch a ball to the net mid-fall, this is not appropriate for most people. This kind of improvisation is the result of years of practice and loads of ability. You need the right balance to shoot; it is the only way to eventually make consistent baskets.
In order to help you improve your basketball acumen you should watch how the pros play. Go to as many pro games as possible, watch them on TV, or watch videos of them playing. Every player has skills that make them good, and you can work on the skills they use.

Do not practice by playing against the zone defense. Most of the basketball game will probably be played in this zone, but the other team might decide to surprise you and do some man-to-man coverage. When you don’t know how to defeat it, you will lose.
Play by yourself to practice. Even if you can’t get a bunch of people together to play, you can still practice on your own. Don’t worry! Solo games also help. Work on free throws and pivot moves. You can always practice.
Knowing your opponent is the best way to play a tough defensive game. Review tapes and keep up with scouting reports. Know the dominant hand of every player. This knowledge will help you play the best game possible. One of the most important keys to being a solid defender is an understanding of your opponent.
After reading this article, you can confidently say that you know all the best moves. You could potentially have learned a few great techniques that your friends have never heard of. Keep in mind that basketball should be fun at all times. Apply the knowledge you have learned here and you will be winning games and having fun in no time!