There is a lot of enjoyment and delight that a lot of people get out of the sport of basketball. In the game of basketball, there is much to learn about. Keep reading to learn what you can do to improve your basketball game.
Keep practicing your layups. You should expect layups to represent about 80% of all the shots you take in a game. During practice you want to get up enough speed to quickly get to the rim then easily lay the ball towards the hoop. If you can do this right, you can master this shot.
Successful free throws require you to be mentally and physically strong. You must train both your body and your mind. Relax and focus on the basket; this will help you succeed.
Don’t bulk up if you want to be good as a jump shooter. Muscle is good, but you can have too much. You will notice that most basketball players have well-defined muscles that are not overdeveloped.
Avoid errant passes by the use of hand signals. Oftentimes frustration occurs when trying you aren’t on the same page with a teammate who cuts to the basketball when you try to pass him the ball. This can be prevented through the use of hand signals. If the signal is absent, do not pass to that player.

Don’t let the ball go behind your back. Passes and turnovers won’t take you by surprise because you will be more aware of what is happening on the court. Also, keep your eyes on areas that open up on the court for an easy basket.
You must know your opponent in order to be tough on defense. Watch tapes and stay up on scouting reports. One simple thing to know before the game is if your opponent shoots with their right or left hand. When you know some of the other player’s moves, you’ll have a leg up during a game as you’ll be able to predict what he is going to do. Smart defenders are good defenders.
Focus on your footwork and your core strength in your workouts. With strong core muscles, you will have better balance. Focus on your hip, abdomen, and back muscles. Jump rope like the boxers do to increase your footwork speed.
Speed is one of the best virtues when playing basketball. Make an effort to do all things on the court more speedily than the opposing team. To speed up the pace of your play, you need to keep practicing. But don’t try to go even faster than you actually are. If you play too quickly, you lose control over the ball and the match.
If you need some help seeing where you need work, try to get a friend or relative to record your games. You may see things differently as you observe the game and notice things you missed in the game. It is important that your assessment is an honest one, but isn’t overly critical. Analyze your skills honestly so you can become the player you want to be.
Basketball can be fun for both players and spectators. However, you can enjoy the sport more by learning as much as you can about basketball. Hopefully this article has provided the sort of guidance you needed.