Football is comprised of players, and the best players have high skill levels, understand the rules and develop unique strategies. A coach can lead you towards your goals, but it is your job to get yourself to the climax. Studying articles such as this one is great, but keep doing it!

Always wear your safety equipment when playing football. Football is a very physical sport with collisions. Don’t play if you don’t have the proper gear. Serious injuries have occurred, even paralysis. These are things that could make it so that you never play again.

TIP! To help increase your agility, you need to practice drills. Football players need to be agile.

As with any sport, avoiding injury is a key to success in football. From working out to playing a game, be safe. Always wear the proper safety equipment, no matter what you are doing.

If you want to continue playing football, you must work on keeping your body healthy. This includes warming up properly before practice, at the gym or playing the game. You must also keep your immune system healthy through proper nutrition and maintain good hygiene. When you’ve got all that, it’s then down to lots and lots of practice!

Weight training is imperative for football players. Training year round is best. Lift both heavy weights and light weights to build speed and strength. If you want to be a skilled, winning player, this sort of workout is a must.

TIP! There are various techniques, schemes, and strategies in football that it’s nearly impossible to learn them all. Being a smart player can make up for your lack of strength and speed.

Follow a regular workout routine. It is not to your advantage to switch fitness routines once you have implemented one. Sticking with it will give you the most benefit. Do not allow yourself to quit and start a new one time and time again.

Always be a teammate who is supportive. Teamwork is crucial to a successful football team. It’s as a team that you’ll win…or lose. Always think we, not I. Be supportive to your teammates, and that’ll help build the confidence needed for you all to be winners. A confident team is one that wins more often than not.

Dance can really improve your game play. While dance isn’t rough and tough like football, dancing can better your footwork. Having good footwork on the football field can greatly improve your agility.

Stiff Arm

An important tip for a receiver or runningback is to develop the strategy of using a stiff arm. A stiff arm strategy can buy you time and yards in a crunch, and can completely protect you from a defending player. This technique involves pressing forward with your arm extended straight out.

How hard you work will affect how well you play. Natural talent counts for a lot, but success as a player is largely determined by work ethic. Coaches like players that want to learn, rather than lazy ones who already know how to play.

TIP! When you go out to play football, you better be in top physical shape in order to compete on the field. To get in your best shape, start every workout with stretches, then aerobic, and anaerobic exercise.

When you want to play football well, you need to play at a level that fits your specific skills. Trying to play with players beyond your ability can cost you. Likewise, playing with low expectations will keep you from increasing your skill levels.

Make sure to take breaks from football on occasion. While there is nothing wrong with having passion for the great game of football, it shouldn’t be all that defines you. In addition, taking a day or two away from the game might afford you a different perspective, and help you to continue to love the game, especially when you come back after a short break.

When you are playing quarterback, make sure that you scan the defenders multiple times. The majority of quarterbacks just scan from the left to the right. When you change up scanning, the defense will be at full attention and unable to blindside you.

TIP! Increase your coordination and agility by using ladder drills. These are important to any football training regimen.

Remember, size does matter in football, but this does not mean being fat. Fat can be harmful as you age, particularly when you stop exercising and working out so much. Build muscle mass, not fat.

Improve your vertical leaping ability. You may consider this a skill for basketball players, but vertical jumping is critical in football as well. When the ball is just out of reach you may need to leap for it. You might even need it to jump over your opponents to score a winning touchdown. Either way, you better be able to jump high!

A lot of football involves mental discipline. By practicing plays over and over again, you make the mind and body connection more powerful and natural. Psychology is vital to football. Mental preparedness and toughness leads you to success and optimal performance when you play football.

TIP! Don’t overlook the benefit of field goals. Try a field goal attempt on fourth down when in the kicker’s range.

Playing football is done best when you are hydrated. The expenditure of energy for games and for practice sessions is enormous. Smart football players try to avoid sugary soft drinks, such as soda. In place of soda, players should be drinking drinks that have electrolytes or water.

Keep you head up when tackling. Never hit the opposing player with the crown of your helmet. This is often called spearing. This type of tackle can result in a concussion or even cause a neck injury.

Don’t forget to do your stretching. You might think that warming up is not necessary but you can greatly reduce your risk of injuries if you stretch. Not warming up properly leads to many hamstring injuries. The few minutes it takes to stretch could save you from injury later.

TIP! Shuttle runs can build your endurance, stamina and ability to stop quickly. Start one end of the field, sprint to the line for ten yards and touch it.

When you are running down the game clock, decline penalties. It’ll let you shave ten seconds off which gets you closer to the game being called. You should avoid trying to push your opponent to the penalties as this could result in trouble for you. Penalties should be allowed to happen naturally.

This article has it all, so what’s stopping you from reaching your goals now? You know how to do it, so go out there and do it! Proceed to use this information when you work out, practice and play and success will be seen soon enough.