Basketball is not just a game you play in gym class or intramural competition. You could have fun playing at a park or in your driveway. If shooting hoops is your thing, then you need to take some time out to read through the content that’s presented below.
Practice your defense more than your offense. Victory requires the ability to play defense. While offense seems to get the praise, defense must be stellar in order to win.
Make sure that you’re dribbling the ball correctly. When dribbling the basketball, use your fingertips rather than the palm of your hand. You retain much more ball control this way. Bounce only at the level of your waist at the side and not in front. You should always look upwards instead of at the ground.
Dribble while keeping your head upward and looking ahead. If you have to ever look at the ball while dribbling, then you haven’t practiced that enough. Take the ball with you wherever you go. On your way to the grocery store, practice your dribbling. If you look your ball, you can’t see the court.
If you have the ball a lot, learn to execute a crossover. A crossover happens when you switch hands the ball is in. It should be done quickly. When done properly, crossover dribbling is a great way to quickly switch direction or move around the court in an efficient manner.
Know your strengths and they’ll help you become a better player. If you can rely on your strengths, you will become a better player. Understand your strengths and use it to your advantage to help your team win!
Practice layups often. In a typical game, up to four-fifths of all shots are layups. When you are practicing, run full speed at the goal and make the shot. Like everything, practicing at game speed will only improve your skill and have you ready to play at the fastest pace.

You have to know how to bounce pass properly. Proper bounce passes ought to hit the recipient at the level of their waist. One good rule of thumb is to bounce the ball around three quarters of the way to the other player. At the same time, take into account any other extraneous factors that may affect the pass.
Free throws are as mental as physical. Making the right physical motions is easier than having the right mind set. Relax yourself and concentrate on your shot.
Watch how the pros play basketball. You can follow the pros in online videos, on TV and you can also attend a basketball game if there is a pro team in your area. You are sure to notice the key skills each player has mastered, and from there you can start practicing.
You should practice against a variety of defense types, not just zone. Your opponent may change their game up to keep you on your toes. If you haven’t practiced against it, you could end up losing your grip on the game quite quickly.
Would you like to completely fool the opposing team, making them look silly? Try doing a back pass! If you wish to try this pass, get the ball in your dominant hand. Keep control of the ball while it is behind your back. Flip your wrist towards the site where you want the ball to go. This helps trick your opponents.
Ask your fellow teammates if they have an opinion of your skills in the game. Do you do something particularly well? Continue to develop the skills that play into your natural abilities. Determine what others like about your game and fine tune those skills.
Whether it is a pick-up game, H.O.R.S.E. or a competition, becoming a better player will help you have more fun when you play basketball. Now that you’ve read this article, go out there and put it to use. As you develop your skills, you will automatically become a better ball player.