Basketball was invented by Dr. It was created by Doctor James Naismith to keep his students entertained in 1891. In the last century, basketball has become among the most globally appreciated sports. From Michael Jordan to Kobe Bryant, it has turned people into celebrities because of the game. Many basketball players enjoy a celebrity status, thanks to their skills. Check out more of this article to understand more about their success.
A lot of novice players mostly focus on their offensive skills, but developing good defensive skills will help you become a better player. Basketball games are won more often by defense than offense. Without good defense, a basketball team will lose the match.
When dribbling, your head must be up, and you need to look forward. If you’ve got your eye on the ball while you’re dribbling, you haven’t mastered it yet. The ball can go with you when you go anywhere. On your way to the grocery store, practice your dribbling. If you are staring at the ball, there is no way you can know what else is happening on the court.
Work on improving your strengths to become an even better player. Even though your best abilities might not make you stand out each game, it is sure to help you contribute to the overall success of the team. Know the things you’re great at and keep practicing until there is no one better than you.
Ask your fellow teammates if they have an opinion of your skills in the game. What areas are your strong points? You might be quick, or you might always be around to support them. Find out how your game appears to others and develop your skills accordingly.
Watch your shoulders and their position if you notice yourself developing a slump in your shooting. If your shoulders aren’t correct, you may not be able to make the shots. Shoulders should be towards the hoop. Try to line your dominant shoulder up with the rim.
Ask a friend to record your games so that you can see how yourself in action. While reviewing the tape, look for opportunities you may have missed during the game. Stay honest when you’re assessing yourself, but don’t over criticize yourself either. Sometimes you have to face reality about your skills and just not dream about how you want to be.
When you are passing the ball, get used to looking in the other direction. This throws your opponents off. If you do it right, this draws your opponents’ focus the wrong way. Practicing this pass can really help to give your team the winning edge.

Dribble hard to make it less likely for the ball to be stolen. If you dribble hard, the ball will go back to your hand quickly and the offense will not be able to snatch it easily. If you have somebody guarding you very closely, pass the ball to an open teammate.
Be sure that you’re able to see clearly. This will help you to secure the ball during the game. Your peripheral vision should be the best it can be. If you look across the whole game and not just focus on the ball, you can see oncoming defensive pressure in advance, as well as open teammates.
In order to ensure that you are always ready to defend, keep your stance at all times. Slide your feet to the sides or push off using the opposite foot to always be in position. Don’t let your feet get crossed and it will be hard to get around you.
When you are defending, keep your stance low. Staying low will help you to be a more swift opponent when you mirror the man standing in your path. Stay in a defensive stance. If you need to leave your feet in order to prevent your opponent from shooting the ball, quickly get back into that good defensive position.
Always bend the knees while dribbling. Standing while dribbling will make it much easier for the opponent to steal the ball from you. Bending your knees slightly can really make a difference in the way you control the ball.
To increase your three-point shooting skill, shoot from where the NBA players range. The international line is much closer. If you can make a basket from there, you will open up the defense because they will have to play you closely.
If you wish to shoot on the outside better you should work on shooting hundreds of times every day from a lot of places on the court. You can get even better if you practice dribbling and pulling up quickly for a shot. Don’t look at the target until you are in the air. That helps you boost your accuracy.
Continuously dribble the ball until you have an opening to pass it to one of your teammates, or you are prepared to shoot. After dribbling is stopped, your choices are very limited. If you decide not to shoot or pass, all you can do is pivot on your rear foot. Then, you will be vulnerable to being double teamed by the opposition, and you are likely to have the ball stolen.
A regulation basketball game consists of just ten players. If you have the urge to boost your skills, knowledge is important. Using this article as a starting point, keep practicing and learning and you’ll soon be a master of the game.