Basketball represents a classic game loved by folks across the globe. All players contribute different skills to the team. Keep reading to find out how you can improve your abilities.

Make it a point to concentrate on both your defensive and offensive skills. Focusing only on offense does not make you a well-rounded player. Defense ultimately determines the winner of a game of basketball. Offense gets more attention, but the team is going to lose without a strong defense.

TIP! Practice your defense more than your offense. Defense is how you win a basketball game.

When dribbling, make sure that you look forward and keep your head up. Lack of practice will manifest itself in looking down towards the ball when dribbling. If you are just getting started, bring your ball with you everywhere. You can practice dribbling when you have to walk to the store. If you are staring at the ball, there is no way you can know what else is happening on the court.

If you get possession of the ball a lot, you must learn the crossover technique. This move entails transferring the basketball from your left hand to your right hand and back again. Crossovers must be done quickly to keep defenders at bay. One done the right way, the crossover dribble can help you change directions and get down the court more efficiently.

Your balance is an important aspect to consider when you are shooting. Having good balance will allow you to keep better control of the ball as well as play a better defense. These players are using creative improvisation. By focusing on balance in your shot, you will develop the consistency needed to be a great scorer.

TIP! Make sure you are dribbling the right way. When you dribble a basketball you have to use the fingertips instead of the hand’s palm.

Watch professionals play to learn from their techniques. Go to games, watch them on TV and you can also watch videos. You will see that each great player has certain skills that make him great and you can practice what you see him doing.

Try playing basketball games alone before and during the season. Though basketball is surely a team sport, there may be times when you have nobody to play against. There is nothing wrong with that. There is much that can be accomplished when playing on your own. Practice free throws and work on pivot moves. You can always find things to work on.

Strong Core

TIP! Practice your layups a lot. Eighty percent of the shots taken in a game are layups.

Children who aspire to become great basketball players in high school must engage in physical fitness activities that focus on the core muscles. This includes their abs, lower back, and hips. The core links both the lower and upper extremities. Without a strong core, they will have limited athletic performance. A solid and strong core lets force that comes from the legs get used for beneficial movements when playing, like faster running and higher jumping.

Hand signals can help you to stay away from making bad passes. It can be frustrating passing to a teammate when you’re both heading to the basket. Avoid this using hand signals to see if they can get the pass. If you don’t receive a signal then realize your teammate is not able to get the pass.

Everyone who plays basketball works on finding ways to improve the skills they have. Now that you’ve read this article, you know a thing or two about improving your skills. Re-read the article if you feel it’s necessary, but always keep practicing in order for the tips to sink in.