Basketball isn’t a game that’s only played in after school games or gym class. It is possible to play the game anywhere, including on your lawn or at a court at the park. If you love basketball, read the following tips to help you become a better ball player.
Practice your defense more than your offense. Defense is what keep the other team from scoring. Offense is flashier, so it draws the attention of fans and journalists, but a team that can’t defend well won’t win any games.
You need to learn the correct way to dribble the ball. You want to dribble with the tips of your fingers, not your whole hand. When you do this you will have more control over the ball. Be sure to dribble beside your body instead of in front of yourself. Bounce the ball at a level even with your waist. Look up and never down at the ground.
When using the ball a lot, you must relearn a crossover. This is when you switch hands while dribbling. You must do it fast for best success. Once you have learned how to do a crossover, you can travel down the court quickly.
It is important to keep your balance when you shoot. Having good balance will allow you to keep better control of the ball as well as play a better defense. These shots are improvisational and usually desperate attempts. Point your feet towards the basket, guide the ball with your weaker hand and push the ball away with your strong hand whenever you shoot the basketball.
A good tip is to practice your layups on a daily basis. Four out of every five shots taken in a given game will be layups. The best practice strategy is to go full tilt toward the hoop, then do a smooth jump shot. This technique helps improve your on-court layup skills.
Zone Defense
Shake things up rather than focusing solely on a zone defense. Learn how to play a man-to-man defense and a zone defense to get the best understanding of how the game works. Failure to prepare for this type of tactic makes you more vulnerable and hurts your team.
If you’re going to be a jump shooter, don’t lift too many weights. While muscle strength is good to have in any basketball position, it is possible to have too much for perimeter play. You might see a decrease in your goal percentages if your biceps become too large.
Keeping your fingers spread wide is important for holding onto the ball. That makes sure that you don’t lose the ball when you hold it. Additionally, the palm of your hand should not come into contact with the ball. You should only use your fingers to touch the ball when passing or shooting.
Play a good defense by knowing your opponent. Monitor scouting news and watch footage of other teams in action. Remember which player shoots left and which shoots right. Once you understand the opposition, you will now how to mount your defense. A smart defensive player is a strong one.
Always be aware of the locations of your feet and what they’re doing. Out of bounds will happen with even one toe over the baseline of the lined play area on the court. Holding the ball for too many steps and not dribbling will result in a walking call which will cause you to you will lose possession of the ball. Avoid lifting your feet when you are screening or in position for a charge or the foul will be called on you instead of your opponent.
No matter what type of match you are playing, improving your skills makes the game more fun. After reading this article, it is time to implement the tips. If you learn new skills, your game will improve.