Basketball knows not of gender discrimination. Regardless of background, few people can resist the allure of basketball. You can play competitively or play a pick-up game at your neighborhood basketball court. What moves you say? Read the tips in this article to find out how to improve your moves on the court.
Many people only direct their attention to the offensive part of the game without realizing that defense is the key to winning. Defense is essential to winning these games. Offensive skills are usually the most impressive ones but defense is something every team should work on.
A great way to hone your own basketball abilities is to watch the pros. Go to as many pro games as possible, watch them on TV, or watch videos of them playing. You’ll notice that each player has a skill that they are great at. Choose a move that you like and start practicing it.
Speed is everything in the sport of basketball. To get an advantage over an opposing player, you must have the quickest reactions. To increase your quickness, you must practice playing fast while running drills. Avoid playing faster than your abilities allow. Doing so can cause the game to spin out of control as turnovers and faulty passes are made.

You want to always be aware of foot placement and what you’re doing. If you step on the baseline, you will be out of bounds. Also, you can cause a turnover if you walk without dribbling the ball. In addition, moving one foot while working on setting a screen or pick will produce a foul.
In order to perfect your layup shooting technique practice, take off with your left foot if you shoot with your right hand and vice versa. When shooting right-handed, take off using the left foot. This will keep your body properly balanced with forward momentum.
You don’t have to worry about your basketball skills any longer. You might have gained some useful tips that your friends don’t even know about. Never forget that the game should always be fun. In either case, it’s always fun to be a winner!