Few sports offer the unique combination of real exercise and soothing relaxation together. Golf combines a slow, leisurely pace with the intensity of a competitive sport. But, not doing it properly could cause issues. Fear not, though, the tips below will put you on the right path to improving your game, to give you maximum enjoyment of this sport.

Learn how to hold your club correctly from the first time you play. A majority of people grip their club too tightly, hoping that this will help them hit the ball further. Grip your club softly but firmly. One popular piece of advice given by instructors across the country is to envision that you are trying to keep hold on bird.

TIP! When you first start out playing golf, it is important you understand how to properly grip the club. Quite a few people correlate a hard grip with being able to hit a ball further.

It is crucial that you maintain all of your minds focus on the shot that you will be making the next time it is your turn to swing. You should not be distracted by the previous shot or anything else going on around you. Getting hung up on a mistake you’ve made or celebrating a great shot for too long can ruin the rest of your game. Good or bad, it is in the past, so keep it there by putting it from your mind.

When you are gripping the putter and standing over the ball, your left hand should be in front of the ball. Maintain proper posture and hand position throughout your swing. This will allow you to firmly grasp the club during the stroke and keep the ball from skipping off the club’s face at contact.

Knowing how exactly to keep score is a good idea for golf. This is vital for the reason that your score is considered to be representative of your skill as a golfer. Scores are calculated by recording the number of strokes it takes to get the golf ball in the hole. The fewer strokes it takes, the better your score is.

TIP! Use your body for more power behind your swing. Novice golfers think the power comes from the arms, but only using the arms can make weak and awkward swings.

Try lining your feet up properly. Doing this is perhaps the best way to improve your swing. You want to line up your feet perpendicular to the direction you want the ball to travel. A simple method for checking your foot alignments is to move the club back against your toes. The outer edge of club indicates the direction that you will hit the ball.

Prepare a simple snack like nuts and bring it with you when you go golfing. The game of golf requires full use of your body and mind which can be tiresome. When you eat a good snack all of that protein can keep your body and mind energized and free from fatigue so that you can concentrate on your game.

A good stance is the foundation of every golf shot. Your position plays a large role in the distance that your shot will achieve. If you’re leaning too far forward, or not far enough, then you won’t be able to get the ball to go a long distance.

Golf Club

If you’re going to treat yourself to a golf club, have it custom-fitted. The right golf club needs to be suited to your weight, height, and body structure. Finding a club that is fitted to your needs will help your swing.

Go ahead and save the fancy stuff for later; you surely get the idea. The bottom line is that you need certain intangibles to play golf correctly, such as the right swing and an aptitude to focus mentally. Remember to apply these tips, and keep practicing to develop a better game.