Why not try golf if you’re looking to play a new sport? Golf is a fantastic way to be outside in the fresh air while spending time with friends. Body, mind and even spirit benefit from the workout you receive playing golf. To get started, simply follow these tips and you may find that golf is one of your favorite sports.
A good piece of golf advice is to look into consulting with a golf pro before choosing which clubs to purchase. This is a good idea because a pro will be able to analyze your swing and stance to see what clubs are likely to improve your game the most.
Test your posture when preparing to swing by wiggling your toes. Your feet should have restricted movement to ensure you are leaning properly. You want to lean but not excessively; you want to do it just enough to get a good stroke going.
Focus on how you will proceed with the next shot. Don’t think about your past shots or the water hazard you’re going to have to face; don’t get distracted from the very next shot that’s up. Dwelling on past mistakes will only beget more of them, so let them go and move on.
If possible, play with good players and watch their techniques. There are plenty of ways that you can benefit from a talented golfer. Of course, not everyone can afford a one-on-one with Tiger Woods, but skilled players are almost always willing to impart knowledge on eager amateurs. Be attentive of how they play and ask them questions about how they train.
It is important to know the proper way to keep score when playing golf. Knowing your score is helpful for determining your status as a player. Each time the ball is hit, it is counted as one stroke. The number of strokes you take to land the ball into a targeted hole will determine your score for that hole. The goal is to minimize the number of strokes it takes you to get the ball into the hole.
As stated above, golf is a great sport to get both physical and mental exercise while hanging out with friends outdoors. So, if you are looking forward to taking up an engaging new sport, look no further. These easy tips will help you start playing golf and be on your way to a happier, healthier you.