Basketball knows not of gender discrimination. Basketball is fun to play regardless of your skill level. The next time you’re playing a game, show your friends your new moves. Maybe you are wondering, what moves? The following tips will help you hone your craft.

Knowing how to perform a crossover is a must when you handle the basketball frequently. A crossover happens when you switch hands the ball is in. That action has to be done fast to be successful. When done properly, crossover dribbling is a great way to quickly switch direction or move around the court in an efficient manner.

TIP! Make sure you are dribbling the right way. Don’t use your palm, use your fingers.

Balance is important when shooting. Everyone has watched a pro player drift out of bounds while still making their shot, but this isn’t something to emulate. They have just improvised, is all. If you are able to improve your sense of balance, then you will find that your percentage of successful shots improves.

Receiving Player

You should learn the best way to throw a great bounce pass. It is best when the ball hits the receiving player near the waist. A good estimation is to target the ball to bounce at about 3/4 of the distance that the receiving player is. It does depend on a variety of other factors, however.

TIP! Every great player understands how to properly perform a bounce pass. If done correctly, a well-executed bounce pass will reach the player in a way that allows them to move immediately with the ball.

Watching the pros can help you pick up on certain skills for improving your game. Go to professional games in person and/or watch them online or on TV. You’ll see that every great player has specific skills that cause them to be great and you have the opportunity to practice what you’re watching them do.

Play basketball against yourself even during the off-season. These skills all help with muscle memory so you know just what to do when you’re playing in a game. This is just fine. It is possible to get a lot done even when playing alone. You can practice free throws or pivot moves. You can always find things to practice.

If you experience a slump in your scoring and shooting, your shoulders may be the cause of the problem. When your shoulders are not properly positioned, then it is almost impossible to perform at your best. Be sure to keep the shoulders squared up to the hoop. The shoulder that is dominant should be perfectly aligned with the hoop rim.

TIP! Shake things up rather than focusing solely on a zone defense. While you might see a zone defense mostly, a team can switch defenses to man-to-man quickly in order to confuse you.

You’ll now be able to feel confident the next time that you step onto a basketball court. You may now even know a few secrets that your friends are unaware exist. Have fun and keep practicing. Of course, winning is always pretty fun as well!