Golf is a sport that dates all the way back to the 15th century, but it is still enjoyed to this day. The sport has evolved in many ways over the years, but remains both a relaxing and involved game. Check out this helpful advice and discover some pointers sure to make your day out on the course that much better.
You need to find out how to correctly grip your club when you are learning how to play golf. People often try to grab the golf club too hard, they think the ball will go much further. A better approach is to employ a grip which is firm but softer. Imagine that you are holding the bird as you hold the club.
Use the entire body for power when swinging the golf club. Beginners often mistakenly believe that the arms power the swing, but using the arms only leads to a low-power, unbalanced swing. Put the momentum of your whole body behind every swing for maximum distance.
Don’t take golf too seriously. Mistakes do happen out on the course and you won’t hit a perfect shot every time, the key is to always keep smiling, which will help you relax.
Weet Spot
Strike a ball with the sweet spot of the club for perfect accuracy. Pracitce using your clubs until you become familiar with the “sweet spot” of each one. Remember, you should strike the ball with this “sweet spot” at the very end of a downward swing.
A long putt requires you to focus on the speed at which you will be hitting the ball. Try to hit a target in between your current location and the hole, rather than trying to get the ball in the hole using only one shot. Framing the shot in this way maximizes the chance of your next putt being short.
To generate a truly powerful swing, your entire body needs to be involved, especially your legs and torso. Push down with your legs while you throw your body forward and through your club.
Be certain to properly line your feet up. This simple step is considered to be one of the most important parts of maintaining a consistent swing. Place your feet in a perpendicular stance to whichever direction you wish the ball to fly in. You can check that you are doing this correctly by putting the club parallel to your toes; the tip of the club will be pointing towards the ball’s potential path.
When playing golf, you should be both mentally and physically prepared. Try to forget about other stresses you have and focus on your golf game.
If you assume an unnatural stance, you could actually wreck your swing. One way to find a comfortable groove, is to practice different stances without using a club. Stand with knees flexed, bent slightly at the waist and let your arms drop naturally in front of you. Have one hand grasp the other and hold it tightly. This is all you need to do to assume a position that is natural, if you are not feeling right at that position you are doing too much.
There are many reasons why golf remains a popular pastime. Now, it is up to you to apply this advice to your game.