Countless people derive euphoric thrills from playing or watching the game of basketball. Of course you will never stop learning better ways to become a better player. Keep reading for some awesome advice that most any basketball player or fan can use.

While focusing on offense is fun, you must also make sure you focus on defense. Defense ultimately determines the winner of a game of basketball. Offense gets more attention, but the team is going to lose without a strong defense.

TIP! It is important to focus on both offense and defense when learning to play basketball. Defense can make or break a basketball game.

When dribbling, make sure that you look forward and keep your head up. You should never be looking at the basketball while dribbling. If you are just getting started, bring your ball with you everywhere. Whenever you are walking and it is appropriate, dribble there. By looking forward instead of at the basketball, you are able to see the happenings on the court.

A great way to hone your own basketball abilities is to watch the pros. Go to actual games or watch on TV. When you find a player who has the skills that you want, then watch them and emulate.

Do not wait for any special season to play some basketball. Sometimes during off season, or when practicing, you can’t play as a team or find even a single opponent. There is nothing wrong with that. You can still get a lot accomplished with solo games. Practice pivoting or doing free throws. There’s always some work to do.

TIP! Get good at making free throws. This may seem like an easy task, but in reality, things prove otherwise.

Children who aspire to become great basketball players in high school must engage in physical fitness activities that focus on the core muscles. Show them how to exercise their hips, lower back and abs. The core is the muscle group that links the arms and legs together. If their core strength is poor, then so will their athletic performance be. A strong core helps you jump higher and run faster.

The key to ball control is to spread your fingers out. This will keep the ball from getting away while you hold it. Keep your palm off the ball too. Remember to maintain contact with the ball through your fingers only.

Ask someone to take a video of you playing and watch it. Did you spot something that could be improved? Don’t get yourself down about your performance, but stay honest with yourself concerning where your game needs some work. Sometimes you think of yourself as something you are not.

TIP! To be a great basketball player you need to work on your balance. Having good balance will allow you to keep better control of the ball as well as play a better defense.

Make sure your vision is good. You don’t need great vision just to keep score. Try making your peripheral vision the best it can be. Watching the whole court allows you to foresee future attacks from the opponent.

If you want to stay in a good defensive position, simply avoid breaking out of your defensive stance. Shuffle your feet in a side to side motion, then use your opposite foot to push off and give you good leverage. Keep in mind that your feet shouldn’t cross and this should make you good at defense.

To help make the offense flow better it is a good idea to alter the pace. When you’re going towards the net you should plant the foot in front and start straightening up. Your guard will do the same, thinking you plan to stop. When they do, push ahead hard and outrun them.

TIP! Practice your layup shot as frequently as possible. Since layups account for the majority of scoring in a game.

Basketball players need to engage in strength training. Stamina and strength are two things you need to do well in this sport. Children that are young are also able to get benefits from getting stronger arms and legs if they exercise right. If you have been exercising regularly for years, it might be time to introduce weights into the mix. When they become an adult, weight training becomes mandatory.

You can improve your shooting skills by practicing with shots from different spots on the court. Try to practice a hard dribble followed by a quick shot. Focus on the target when airborne, but never before. This can help to improve your accuracy by simulating actual game conditions.

Keep the activity below the knees if possible. This will make it harder for opponents to get the ball away from you. Bend a little so you can keep the ball closer to the ground and move through the court as quickly as possible.

TIP! Basketball players need to build strong core muscles. Core muscles are comprised of the hips, lower back, and abdominal muscles.

Use the hand that doesn’t have the ball as a block. However, you’re not actually going to push with this hand; instead, you’re going to separate yourself using this hand. Keep your other arm up slightly while you dribble.

Keep dribbling in a particular rhythm until you think it’s time to trick the opponent. You can for instance suddenly speed up your dribbling to get past an opponent and get the edge you need for a shot. Perfecting this can make you nearly unstoppable on the court.

Practice making shots from a lot of different places on the court. You should first practice on balancing and your grip. You’re much more accurate if you are balanced well. Perfect your grip by using the basketball valve. Put the middle of your palm over the valve.

TIP! Speed is one of the best virtues when playing basketball. If you want the advantage, you need to be quicker than your opponents.

If you’re serious about your game, you should take your diet seriously. Carbs, fats and proteins all keep your energy levels at the right place. One way to keep your body in basketball shape is to incorporated grains and proteins into your diet. Conversely, avoid salt and sugar whenever you can.

Knowing when to pass and when to shoot is of utmost importance in the sport of basketball. Instead of hogging the ball and losing the game when you fail to make the shot, be a team player and pass it off to the player who has the better chance to make the winning shot.

Basketball is something you can get benefits from by playing it, or just by watching it. But, to really ensure that you are getting everything basketball has to offer, it pays to get as informed on the topic as possible. Hopefully, this article has helped you learn a few things about the game.