One of the most popular games on earth is basketball. Whether is it the watching the championships, playing on a team of your own or just shooting hoops in your own yard, basketball is definitely here to stay. Everyone who plays basketball for competition wants to win. Here are some great tips on how to take your game to an all new level and to score some winning points.
Practice your defense more than your offense. Many times, defense actually wins the game. While everyone focuses on shots made, a good defense can kill the chances of even an amazing shot taker.
Dribble the ball the right way. Use the fingertips, not the palm, for the best dribbling. Using your fingertips will allow you to have better control when dribbling the ball. Dribble off to the side waist high. You should always look upwards instead of at the ground.
If you have the ball a lot, learn to execute a crossover. Being able to dribble the ball with both hands and crossover between the two will make you a better player. If order for the maneuver to be a success, it has to be performed with speed. When done properly, crossover dribbling is a great way to quickly switch direction or move around the court in an efficient manner.
Start out with proper balance before attempting to take a shot. Having good balance will allow you to keep better control of the ball as well as play a better defense. These shots are improvisational and usually desperate attempts. By focusing on balance in your shot, you will develop the consistency needed to be a great scorer.
Be sure to get lots of practice on layups. In a typical game, up to four-fifths of all shots are layups. When you practice, run full speed ahead at the basket, jump, and shoot. Running and jumping well in practice means better jump shooting in actual games.
Unseen passes can be avoided when proper hand signals are used by teammates. It can be frustrating passing to a teammate when you’re both heading to the basket. These common miscommunications can be avoided by utilizing hand signals, which tells the passing player the other player is ready for a pass. If no signal is displayed, a pass ought not be made.
Your fingers should always be spread out when handling the ball. This will help you keep a better grip on the ball. Do not allow the palm of your hand to make contact with the ball. Fingers need to be the only thing that touches the ball when you shoot it or pass it.

Be aware of what your feet are doing and where they are. You will be called out of bounds if even one toe is touching the baseline as you hold the ball. The ball will be turned over on a walking call if too many steps are taken with no dribble action. If you move either foot while trying to pick, take a charge or set a screen, it will result in a called foul.
Consistency in your approach is vital to becoming solid at free throws. Perhaps you will dribble twice, follow up by bending your knees, pulling your earlobe or performing some other ritualistic action for good luck. Having a consistent routine is ideal, and that helps train your body to know how to be in the proper position every time you shoot the free throw.
To generate consistency with layups, leap from the opposite foot from the hand you use to shoot. This will allow you to shoot with your comfortable hand. This helps to maintain balance throughout your body and allows you to use yourself as a barrier between the defender and yourself.
Create a routine to improve your free throw success. If you’re consistent, your shots will be too. You can shoot better free throws by making sure you use the same exact routine every time, and of course practice. If you don’t stick to your routine, you could miss the shot.
If you don’t want someone to steal the ball, dribble hard. A hard dribble returns the ball back to you faster, leaving less chance of it being snatched by the other team. If you have an opponent who is guarding you relentlessly, it is time to pass the ball.
Make it your goal to dribble the ball across the entire court in under 5 dribbles. This can seem impossible, but if you do it, you’ll get incredible speed and length. That translates to smooth layups during fast breaks.
You can use all of some of these tips to become a better basketball player. It is important to understand the fundamentals of the game if you plan on being a great player. Practice is essential when it comes to just about anything, so you must be sure to have constant access to a hoop. You can practice alone, play with teammates or enjoy a pickup game in your neighborhood.