Practice is the only way you can actually improve your skills on the court. You should use your practice time wisely, and follow good advice from experienced teachers. Keep reading for some basketball pointers that will have you hoop ready in no time.
Figure out how to perfect your free throw. This seemingly simple shot can be difficult to execute under game conditions. Put this technique into practice as often as you can. To start off, hold the ball in front of you. There may be a number of distractions so you need to focus on your goal. Then shoot the ball with the trajectory that you visualized.
A good way to improve team passing to use a no dribbling drill, that is to play the game without dribbling at all. This helps to develop passing skills with your teammates, making it much more difficult if you’re standing in one spot and not dribbling. Do not get frustrated if it it seems difficult at first, over time your team’s passes will become more accurate.
If your son or daughter wants to play high school basketball, they need to work on core muscle training. Hips, abdomen and back must be worked on. The core links together all of the extremities and if it isn’t strong, they will be dealing with a limited athletic ability. A core that’s solid and strong will allow you to use force that comes from your legs so you can jump higher and run faster.

Quick and solid footwork is what it takes to make the shot when your posting up. Being physical under the rim is crucial, but having good positioning on the court is even better. If you are just stepping into position, you now have to secure the spot. The key to this relies on having good footwork.
Seek advice from your teammates about how you play the game. Do you do something really good? Continue to develop the skills that play into your natural abilities. When you find out what they think, you may learn a lot.
When playing basketball, it is important to always keep your eye on the ball. This keeps you aware of what is going on so you aren’t surprised. Always scout the court for areas that will open up and allow you to make a clear shot.
Whether you play basketball all the time or just once and awhile, the above tips will be of help. With one simple tip, your skills can improve. You will learn to play like a professional basketball player.