Do you wonder why the game of soccer is so popular around the world? Would you like to learn about why this is such a great game? Perhaps you wish to know how the game is played? Fortunately, the below article will provide you with everything you need to know about the incredible game of soccer.
Unless you’re in a prime position to attempt a shot on goal, you should not do so. If you don’t have an open field, look for available teammates that are open and waiting to help. Don’t try to make it yourself; pass the ball if you can.
Your first move should always be to pass. Keep possession of the ball until you can advance towards the goal and send it along to a teammate. This player will have a short amount of time before defenders get to him.
Short passing with accuracy requires that you use the inside part of your foot. When you need to make a long pass, use the top front of the foot where your shoes are laced. Kicking with your laces allows you to kick more powerfully.
The Outside Elastico is a simple beginner move. This can help you cut inside when you are on the flanks. For starters, place a cone or something similar as a marker on the ground. You want to be a good five steps or so back from the object on the ground. Begin to dribble towards it. When you approach the cone, lightly touch the outside of the ball and then the inside. The outside touch is what fools your opponents. Remember that the second touch must be bigger than the previous one.
Leave the defender guessing by dribbling to the left when you intend to go right. The defender will start following you, and then you throw them off right away by changing sides and traveling the other way. This is helpful in bypassing defenders.
You need to give both ends of the field attention when you are at midfield. Be prepared to quickly pass the soccer ball from one end to the other. Keep your eyes open for both defendants and players that are open to optimize the game.
If the ball is in your possession when a defender approaches, make it look as though you plan to make a pass. This causes a moment of confusion for the opponent and gives you extra time. This tactic works even better if you exaggerate your movements.
When playing soccer, you should learn how to utilize every part of your foot. During fast dribbling, the instep and front of the foot are commonly used. Practice with using the outside and the inside of both feet to improve your dribbling skills. That way, you will have heightened control of the ball regardless of what the defense players do.
When playing soccer, you need the proper shoes. Football cleats and golf shoes won’t cut it. If the wrong shoes are worn then you could end up getting hurt or hurting another player you’re playing against.
Cardiovascular System
Run three miles every day if you want to keep your cardiovascular system in check. Your cardiovascular system needs to be in shape since you have to run a lot when playing soccer. Stamina levels will easily increase by undertaking these three miles daily. Try running in different locations to keep your routine from growing old and stale.
Practice set plays if you want to improve you ability to make decisions. Direct shots are a great example of team practice. By going over these plays regularly, you’ll be able to figure out what works during game play and that’s going to help you to win.
The soccer game is not as physically demanding as American football, but it is still physical. Don’t fear running into someone. Playing a physical game is not the same as being a dirty player. Kicking someone on purpose is dirty, but being rough is not. If you don’t like to be physical, you really should try getting over that. Avoid injury by always wearing protective equipment.
If you are going to be playing on muddy fields, you need a shoe that can grip in even the most slippery situations. Many soccer professionals prefer soft removable cleats for this type of situation. Wide cleats are best for wet, muddy conditions. In this type of situation two cleats are placed on the heel and four are placed in the midsole.
There are a lot of emotions involved when playing soccer. Winning and losing can make you moody. Your entire team will feel a lot more confident if you focus on the positive things. Many times this confidence can mean the difference between winning a game and losing a game.
Soccer is not as mysterious or complex as it may seem at first. After only a few paragraphs, it is easily understandable why this has become such a popular sport! You just need a little information to get you back in the game. Keep these tips handy the next time someone says there’s a soccer game on.